Forestiere Underground Gardens Featured on NPR

Thank you to the team at KQED and NPR for their story on our unique open air museum! Last summer we had the privilege of hosting Jessica Placzek and Maddie Gobbo from KQED who put together an audio piece on our gardens. The original piece was broadcast on KQED last fall, and we were excited to hear the results. We had several guests comment on the piece when they checked in at the register.
Our team was even more thrilled when we learned that the piece was going national! Jessica and Maddie’s work on the Gardens was incorporated into an NPR piece on California’s Hidden Gems. It was broadcast last weekend, and we are honored to be included.
From the piece…
“Cars shimmer in the heat of California’s Central Valley. We’ve come to a place known as highway city in Fresno. An area crisscrossed with expressways and thoroughfares. It might be the last place you’d expect to find a maze of underground gardens – where citrus trees grow in earthen tunnels under big round skylights. Jessica Placzek gives us a tour.”
Listen in to the NPR piece here – and be sure to come out to visit our hidden gem in Fresno, CA!